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裙襬搖搖LPGA菁英賽四月舊金山隆重登場 為台灣體壇締造多項歷史里程碑

裙襬搖搖LPGA菁英賽四月舊金山隆重登場 為台灣體壇締造多項歷史里程碑 (2014年2月21 日,台北訊)—裙襬搖搖高爾夫球隊在台灣連續三年主辦國際級女子高球大賽後,已經以事實證實台灣高球界、台灣的高爾夫選手與球迷,需要更大的舞台。在強大使命感驅使下,裙襬搖搖球隊宣布將於今年4月21 日至27日在美國加州舊金山默塞德湖高爾夫球場,冠名主辦深具歷史意義的裙襬搖搖LPGA菁英賽。 總獎金高達180萬美元的裙襬搖搖LPGA菁英賽即便還未揮出第一桿,在許多層面上卻已改寫多項中外紀錄:對台灣而言,這場比賽是史上第一場由台灣人在美國本土冠名贊助的正式LPGA職業比賽。其次,這場由台灣職業女子高爾夫協會(TLPGA)共同認證的比賽,也將成為LPGA史上有最多台灣選手參加的官方巡迴賽事。此外,這場賽事對美國與LPGA而言也深具意義,因為這不但是LPGA自2010年來首次重返舊金山灣區這個西岸大都會,更是LPGA在美國本土第一場與亞洲巡迴賽共同認證的比賽,也是今年LPGA美國本土賽事中除了五大賽之外獎金最高的大賽之一。因此,這場承先啟後的比賽被各界認為是集台灣發展高爾夫幾十年來,巔峰之創舉。 過去三年連續在台灣主辦叫好又叫座的裙襬搖搖世界女子高球名人賽,不但讓「裙襬搖搖」在台灣被視為是女子高爾夫的同義字,裙襬搖搖球隊本身也從一個「穿著裙子打球的球隊」,蛻變為全球高球界最看重的獨特高球品牌之一。也因此,裙襬搖搖球隊本著「捨我其誰」、「當仁不讓」的精神,全力爭取拿下「史上第一個在美國主辦一級職業大賽之台灣人」的頭銜,未來數個月勢必成為國內體壇的熱門話題。 裙襬搖搖高球隊今天在記者會中,除了向國人正式介紹首屆裙襬搖搖LPGA菁英賽的籌備細節,同時也公布已確定之TLPGA台灣職業選手參賽名單。此外,大會也同時公布比賽正式logo、以舊金山金門大橋為主題的主視覺設計圖案,以及未來比賽相關的造勢宣傳活動。 裙襬搖搖高球隊將把台灣的成功經驗移植至美國 裙襬搖搖球隊會長王政松表示:「在台灣連續三年主辦裙襬搖搖世界女子高球名人賽,並且連續贊助美國女子公開賽與英國女子公開賽後,我想在美國本土冠名贊助正式的LPGA職業比賽,是我們必須要走的下一步。裙襬搖搖球隊很榮幸成為史上第一個在美國本土主辦LPGA正式比賽的台灣人。我們希望這場比賽能為台灣高爾夫環境注入新的活力。」 美國LPGA會長Michael Whan則表示:「裙襬搖搖菁英賽證明了高爾夫無國界限制的魔力。我們非常感謝裙襬搖搖高爾夫球隊對於女子高爾夫的貢獻,也非常興奮能夠透過這場比賽,帶領世界頂尖的好手重返舊金山灣區。」 台灣TLPGA巡迴賽理事長劉依貞指出:「TLPGA很期待能與裙襬搖搖高球隊及美國LPGA合作。裙襬搖搖LPGA菁英賽未來在歷史上,勢將成為台灣高爾夫發展的轉捩點,而我也相信它將為台灣選手開啟機會的大門。」 擔任首席賽事總監的IMG台灣區總經理蘇亞妍也表示:「IMG持續在國際上作為高爾夫球最有力的推廣者,非常榮幸能夠主辦裙襬搖搖LPGA菁英賽。這場賽事將會是台灣與美國的共同盛事,也是一同向世界展現台灣最頂尖選手以及LPGA好手球技的絕佳機會。」 台灣TLPGA獎金榜排名前十女將將挑戰LPGA現役好手 這場世界級的女子高爾夫大賽,將有144位來自台灣與世界各地的頂尖好手同場較量。其中包含台灣TLPGA巡迴賽2013年終獎金榜排名前十名的選手,包括呂雅惠、石惠如、劉依貞、徐葳淩、林子麒、錢珮芸、郭艾榛、謝瑀玲、余珮琳與陳思涵,將越洋挑戰LPGA 122名現役好手。此外,7位台灣年輕新秀以及5位裙襬搖搖球隊與贊助商邀請的中外好手,也都將同場展開精彩的競賽。 這場為期四天的女子比桿賽屆時將透過LPGA官方電視轉播夥伴NBC-高爾夫頻道(Golf Channel),把每天兩個半小時以上的比賽實況,轉播至全球超過171個國家與地區的2.47億名觀眾。台灣也將由FOX體育台獨家直播,讓台灣觀眾可以即時收看到這場重要賽事。主辦單位今日也表示,接下來還將邀請包含台灣之光曾雅妮在內的眾多LPGA球星,於美國為此場賽事站台造勢。透過這些明星的魅力與號召力,呼籲更多美國本土以及海外球迷關注與支持這場歷史性的高球比賽。主辦單位並將與包含舊金山灣區當地美國重要媒體密切合作,讓這場比賽順利打響國際知名度。 裙襬搖搖本次前進美國,也獲得台灣頂尖國際品牌以行動表示支持,其中包含長榮航空以及昇恆昌免稅商店,都將以賽會贊助商身分與裙襬搖搖高爾夫球隊合作,聯手從台灣啟航,前進美國舊金山。 更多比賽訊息,請造訪官網: 關於默塞德湖高爾夫球場 擁有豐富的歷史,曾舉辦多場高水準的體育賽事的默塞德湖高爾夫球場,成為於4月24日至27日首屆【裙襬搖搖LPGA菁英賽】的舉辦場地。成立於1922年,這個球場是PGA相當受歡迎的球場,曾舉辦1940年舊金山配對錦標賽、美國公開賽資格賽,以及最近的美國女子青少年錦標賽。1941年,美國傳奇女子高爾夫選手Babe Zaharias,在默塞德湖高爾夫球場舉行的舊金山女子公開賽中,也創下令人津津樂道的賽績。 關於IMG IMG是全球性的體育、時尚及媒體事業,在世界30個國家設有辦公室,員工人數約3500名。其業務領域包括IMG 學院、IMG印度、巴西、中國及土耳其合資企業; IMG媒體; IMG活動管理; IMG高爾夫及IMG網球; IMG時尚; IMG模特兒; IMG 藝術商業事業(Art+Commerce) ; IMG客戶服務; IMG訓練營; IMG顧問及IMG授權部門。詳細資訊請查詢: www.imgworld.com或至推特及臉書上查詢。 關於裙襬搖搖高爾夫球隊 裙襬搖搖高爾夫球隊是來自台灣的非營利團體,成員包含男性和女性的業餘球員,這一群充滿熱情的高爾夫愛好者,贊助全世界知名女子職業高爾夫賽事,擁護他們心目中的球星,並以提倡台灣女子高爾夫運動為志業。團員們在參與比賽時,經常以沿襲數百年前蘇格蘭聖安德魯球場的傳統--穿著裙子打球,為比賽增添更多趣味。而透過【裙襬搖搖LPGA菁英賽】這項國際級賽會的舉辦,許多來自台灣極具潛力的選手,也將在這舞台上與世界上其他頂尖高手同場競技。 Taiwan reaches historic milestones with Inaugural Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic Taipei, Taiwan (February 21, 2014) – After three consecutive years hosting an international women’s golf tournament in Taiwan, the Swinging Skirts Golf Team has driven home the fact that Taiwan, its golfers and golf fans are ready for the big stage. Today, in Taipei, they debuted the Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic – a ground-breaking golf tournament scheduled for April 21-27 at Lake Merced Golf Club at Daly City, California. Even before the first tee-shot, the USD 1.8 million 2014 Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic is already rewriting the history books in many aspects. For Taiwan, first and foremost, it is the first LPGA official tournament held on US soil to be sponsored by a Taiwanese organization. Secondly, as it is co-sanctioned with TLPGA, it will feature the most Taiwanese players of any LPGA event. At the same time, this tournament is also meaningful for the U.S. and LPGA as it is the first LPGA tournament to be co-sanctioned by an Asian Tour on U.S. soil, which also brings the LPGA back to the Bay Area for the first time since 2010. Therefore, it is widely considered as the culmination of years of golf development in Taiwan. Thanks to three successful editions of Swinging Skirts World Ladies Masters over the past three years, the Swinging Skirts Golf Team not only has become synonymous with women’s golf in Taiwan, it has also evolved from “an anonymous Taiwanese amateur golf team in skirts and kilts” into one of the most renowned and respected names in golf around the world. Therefore, it only stands to reason that the Swinging Skirts Golf Team is on the brink of becoming the first Taiwanese organization to host a professional sporting tournament in the U.S., a feat surely to become talk of town in the coming months. Details of the inaugural Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic were formally introduced to local media here in organizer Swinging Skirts Golf Team’s home town of Taipei, while names of participating local players, official tournament logo, key visual designs and plans to jumpstart the historic event were also unveiled. Swinging Skirts to bring its success story to the US Swinging Skirts Golf Team chairman Johnson Wang expressed, “After hosting the Swinging Skirts World Ladies Masters for three straight years in Taiwan, where we were met with great feedback, and after sponsoring US Women’s Open and Women's British Open, hosting an official LPGA tournament on U.S. soil is our logical next step. Swinging Skirts is very excited and proud to be able to lay claim to the title as the first Taiwanese organization to host an LPGA tournament in the U.S. We hope this tournament will open a door to endless opportunities.” LPGA commissioner Michael Whan said, “The Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic is a perfect example of how borderless golf has become. We are grateful to the Swinging Skirts for their global support of women’s golf and excited to bring the best players in the game back to the Bay Area, which has been a longtime supporter of the LPGA and professional golf.” TLPGA chairperson Yi-Chen Liu said, “TLPGA is very excited to be working with both Swinging Skirts and the LPGA. The Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic will go down in history as the turning point for the development of golf in Taiwan, and it will surely open lots of doors of opportunities for aspiring players from Taiwan.” Championship director Carol Su said, “IMG Golf continues to be the biggest promoter of golf globally and the Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic is a welcome addition to our portfolio. This tournament will be a celebration of golf in both Taiwan and the United States, and a chance to showcase top Taiwanese golfers alongside the LPGA’s best.” Top 10 TLPGA players ready to take on LPGA elite The world-class golf tournament will also offer players from Taiwan a rare chance to compete with the world’s best. The top 10 players from the order of merit of Taiwan’s TLPGA tour are set to take on 122 LPGA players. Seven Taiwanese young talents and 5 sponsor exemptions will round out the 144-player field in the co-sanctioned tournament by both LPGA and TLPGA. The four-day stroke-play tournament will be televised by LPGA official TV partner NBC-Golf Channel to more than 247 million audiences in 171 countries and territories, with at least two hours of daily TV coverage provided. The tournament organizer also revealed their plan to invite LPGA stars including Taiwanese player Yani Tseng for further promotion events to attract sports fans to come out and support the historic golf tournament. Meanwhile, the advertisement plan will consist of US. major media including various Bay Area local media outlets for local and global reputation. For more Information about the tournament, please visit: About Lake Merced Golf Club Lake Merced Golf Club, a club steeped in the rich traditions of competition at the highest level of the sport, is proud to host the 2014 LPGA Swinging Skirts tournament, April 24 through April 27, 2014. Founded in 1922, the Club has welcomed PGA tour events (the 1940 San Francisco Match Play Championship), U.S. Open qualifying tournaments and most recently, the U.S. Girls’ Junior Championship. In 1941, Babe Zaharias brought her legendary game to Lake Merced to compete in the San Francisco Women’s Open Match Play Championship. About IMG IMG Worldwide is a global sports, fashion and media business with 3,500 employees operating in more than 30 countries around the globe. IMG’s areas of expertise are diverse and wide ranging: IMG College; IMG’s Joint Ventures in India, Brazil, China and Turkey; IMG Media; IMG Events and Federations; IMG Golf and IMG Tennis; IMG Fashion; IMG Models; IMG Art+Commerce; IMG Clients; IMG Academy; IMG Consulting and IMG Licensing. More information is available at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. About Swinging Skirts Golf Team The Swinging Skirts Golf Team is a private, Taiwanese non-profit organization made up of both men and women amateur golfers with a shared goal of growing women’s golf across the globe via sponsoring top women’s golf tournaments as well as top female golfers. The Swinging Skirts members are avid golfers who always wear colorful skirts or kilts when they play to bring a fun atmosphere to some of golf’s oldest traditions, born hundreds of years ago at St. Andrews in Scotland. The Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic will be a celebration of the international nature of the game that showcases some of the best young talent from Taiwan competing against the very best players in the world.