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第一場在美舉辦之共同認證賽事 於4月21-27日於默塞德湖球場舉行

首屆裙襬搖搖LPGA菁英賽 宣佈官網、購票及志工招募資訊 第一場在美舉辦之共同認證賽事 於4月21-27日於默塞德湖球場舉行 (達利市,美國加州,2014年2月3日) 共有144名女子高爾夫好手參與的首屆【裙襬搖搖LPGA菁英賽】,即將於4月21日至27日,於美國加州的默塞德湖高爾夫球場舉行。主辦單位於今(3)日正式向舊金山灣區的高爾夫球迷們宣佈這項消息,主辦單位也同時揭示官網、售票資訊及開放徵球志工等資訊。裙襬搖搖高爾夫球隊會長王政松、隊長邱鳳玉等,也參與了這項比賽在美國的第一波宣傳活動。 本次賽事之相關資訊可查詢: 【裙襬搖搖LPGA菁英賽】的舉辦,標示著自2010年後LPGA賽事首次回到舊金山灣區。這項比賽不但是與TLPGA共同認證,也是LPGA在美國本土舉行的賽事中,第一個與其他高爾夫協會共同認證的比賽。是項比賽共有120位LPGA選手,以及20位來自台灣最具潛力的選手和2位經由資格賽勝出的優秀選手參加。 裙襬搖搖高爾夫球隊會長王政松表示: 「隨著官網及第一波在美國的宣傳活動啟動,這項首次由台灣民間社團贊助主辦也宣告正式開始。我們以無比興奮、同時也懷著任重道遠的心情,希望這第一次由裙襬搖搖高爾夫球隊冠名贊助主辦、在美國本土舉辦的LPGA賽事順利舉辦 ,並能締造更多的歷史。」 「今天是【裙襬搖搖LPGA菁英賽】籌辦以來相當重要的里程碑。隨著賽會官網的啟用,我們可以為LPGA高球迷們呈現這項比賽的特色—這是一個別出心裁的賽事,結合了高爾夫運動、藝術與文化。」裙襬搖搖LPGA菁英賽執行總監凱文.霍普金斯 (Kevin Hopkins) 表示。「我們嘗試將LPGA賽事帶回舊金山灣區的努力已持續相當長的時間,現在,我們邀請所有球迷們今年四月來到灣區,以看球或擔任志工方式,來支持灣區最新的一場比賽。」 總獎金180萬美元的【裙襬搖搖LPGA菁英賽】,自即日起在美國地區開放售票,球迷們可至賽事官網、灣區的高爾夫用品專賣店等預購。民眾於4月21日前購票,職業業餘配對賽門票預購價為美金15元(原價25元),正式四天賽事預購票價為每日美金25元(原價30元)。4月22日起購票即恢復原價。至於整週(周三至周日)可用之套票,必須在4月21日完成購票,可享優惠價美金85元。於18洞果嶺設置的貴賓席票價則為週四/週五美金130元,週六/週日美金150元,週四至週日套票票價則為美金500元。 世界高球名人堂選手、出身舊金山洛斯阿圖思(Los Altos)當地的茱莉‧英格斯特 (Juli Inkster)說:「【裙襬搖搖LPGA菁英賽】在舊金山舉行,讓我得以在家鄉的親朋好友前,參加我自LPGA退休前最重要的一場比賽,令我感到相當興奮。身為地主選手,我知道將有一大群熱情死忠、對高爾夫如數家珍的球迷,一定會以來看球或當志工方式,親身來參與這場今年LPGA最精彩的賽事。」 球迷們若想了解國際賽事幕後籌辦過程,零距離體驗賽事過程,可考慮報名擔任本次賽會的志工。志工的參與是所有專業比賽裡不可或缺的一部份,也是賽事能否成功的關鍵之一。 至於今天發表的活動官網,除了可提供球迷們購票,也提供關心賽事的球迷們最及時的資訊。此外,球迷們也可透過臉書 (Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic) 及推特(@SwingingSkirts)與賽事主辦單位互動。 裙襬搖搖高爾夫球隊成立宗旨在於發展台灣地區男子與女子高爾夫運動。除了舉辦TLPGA及KLPGT共同認證的【裙襬搖搖世界女子高球名人賽】,也在台灣北中南各地舉辦逐夢盃比賽,以培養台灣的青少年高爾夫選手逐步往國際舞台邁進。 默塞德湖高爾夫球場成立於1922年,並在1929年由奧古斯塔全國球場 (Augusta National) 設計師Alister MacKenzie重新設計。而目前默塞德湖高爾夫球場的設計則是來自於1960年,因I-280公路拓寬,Robert Muir Graves再又重新規劃了球場。到1996年,球場在Rees Jones調整了球場的排水系統後,最後的設計已然成形。默塞德湖高爾夫球場長期以來支持女子高爾夫運動,它也是美國最早不設性別入會限制,容許女性球員加入俱樂部會員的高球俱樂部之一。 關於默塞德湖高爾夫球場 擁有豐富的歷史,曾舉辦多場高水準的體育賽事的默塞德湖高爾夫球場,成為於4月24日至27日首屆【裙襬搖搖LPGA菁英賽】的舉辦場地。成立於1922年,這個球場是PGA相當受歡迎的球場,曾舉辦1940年舊金山配對錦標賽、美國公開賽資格賽,以及最近的美國女子青少年錦標賽。1941年,美國傳奇女子高爾夫選手Babe Zaharias,在默塞德湖高爾夫球場舉行的舊金山女子公開賽中,也創下令人津津樂道的賽績。 關於IMG IMG是全球性的體育、時尚及媒體事業,在世界30個國家設有辦公室,員工人數約3500名。其業務領域包括IMG 學院、IMG印度、巴西、中國及土耳其合資企業; IMG媒體; IMG活動管理; IMG高爾夫及IMG網球; IMG時尚; IMG模特兒; IMG 藝術商業事業(Art+Commerce) ; IMG客戶服務; IMG訓練營; IMG顧問及IMG授權部門。詳細資訊請查詢: 或至推特及臉書上查詢。 關於裙襬搖搖高爾夫球隊 裙襬搖搖高爾夫球隊是來自台灣的非營利團體,成員包含男性和女性的業餘球員,這一群充滿熱情的高爾夫愛好者,贊助全世界知名女子職業高爾夫賽事,擁護他們心目中的球星,並以提倡台灣女子高爾夫運動為志業。團員們在參與比賽時,經常以沿襲數百年前蘇格蘭聖安德魯球場的傳統--穿著裙子打球,為比賽增添更多趣味。而透過【裙襬搖搖LPGA菁英賽】這項國際級賽會的舉辦,許多來自台灣極具潛力的選手,也將在這舞台上與世界上其他頂尖高手同場競技。 媒體聯絡: Greg Ball, Brener Zwikel & Associates, 818-462-5611, Damian Secore, Brener Zwikel & Associates, 818-462-5614, Mike Scanlan, IMG Golf, 216-436-3544, 凱旋公關: 02 2738 3038 #211 馬薏明 Inaugural Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic introduces website, ticket offers and volunteer opportunities First LPGA co-sanctioned event in United States tees off at Lake Merced Golf Club April 21-27 DALY CITY, CALIFORNIA (February 3, 2014) – The inaugural Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic – a 144-player women’s professional golf tournament to be held at Lake Merced Golf Club April 21-27 – was formally introduced to Bay Area sports fans today with the unveiling of its website, announcing that tickets are now available to the public and registration has opened for volunteer opportunities. Information about the tournament can be found at The Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic will mark the LPGA’s first return to the Bay Area since 2010. This official LPGA event will be the first ever LPGA co-sanctioned tournament on American soil, partnering with the TLPGA to showcase some of the top international talent from around the globe. The Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic field will feature 122 LPGA golfers as well as 22 players from Taiwan. Johnson Wang, the Chairman of the title sponsor Swinging Skirts Golf Team, and Pony Chiu, the captain of the team, expressed excitement for the formal announcement of the tournament’s launch here in San Francisco. “As a Taiwanese organization, we are thrilled to bring the first-ever co-sanctioned LPGA tournament on US soil to the Bay Area,” Wang said. “The great cities of San Francisco and Daly City have welcomed us with open arms, and we are proud to call Lake Merced our home!” “Today is an important milestone for the Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic. With our website going live, we’re able to show LPGA golf fans just what our tournament is all about – a unique event that will be a celebration of golf, art and culture,” Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic Executive Director Kevin Hopkins said. “We intend to make this a fixture on the Bay Area golf calendar for many years, and we invite the great sports fans in San Francisco to come out to Lake Merced Golf Club in April to support the area’s newest sporting event as a fan or volunteer.” Daily grounds ticket specials for the $1.8 million Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic begin at $15 (for the Wednesday Pro-Am) and $25 (for tournament rounds Thursday-Sunday) if purchased in advance of tournament week (before April 21); each ticket is a $5-10 savings from the gate price during tournament week. The best value is the weeklong grounds ticket ($85), which is available only before April 21. For fans seeking to enjoy the Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic in the most luxurious manner, the 18th green suite ticket includes food and beverage as well as shaded seating in an upgraded hospitality pavilion surrounding the 18th green at Lake Merced Golf Club for $130 for one day during either Thursday’s or Friday’s tournament round, $150 for one day during either weekend round, or $500 for the entire tournament (Thursday-Sunday). Tickets are available online at and at golf retail shops in the area, including PGA TOUR Superstore, The Golf Mart, and Golfsmith. Free grounds admission is available for all active duty, Reserve and retired military (must show valid military ID), as well as for children 17 and under when accompanied by a ticketed adult. “I am thrilled at the prospect of being able to play in the Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic so close to home, in front of my friends and family during my final year on the LPGA,” said World Golf Hall of Famer Juli Inkster, a Los Altos resident. “As a local, I am aware of the large, loyal and knowledgeable group of golf fans we have here, and I think the players are really going to enjoy Lake Merced Golf Club. I would like to call on all golf fans in the region to come out and support the tournament as a fan or volunteer and show the LPGA that the Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic will be one of the most vibrant events on Tour.” Those golf fans looking for the most behind-the-scenes, up-close and personal tournament experience are encouraged to join the Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic as a volunteer. Volunteers are the lifeblood of any professional golf tournament, which cannot function properly without such support. The volunteer package includes a tournament polo shirt, outerwear piece and hat, grounds admission for tournament week (Wed.-Sun.), breakfast in the volunteer tent and free food and beverage vouchers for use during working shifts. For more volunteer information or to apply to become a volunteer, please visit or contact volunteer chairperson Irene Agnos at The website is the leading online resource for golf fans to secure tickets and tap into the most updated information on the tournament. Additionally, fans can retrieve information and interact with the Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic by becoming a fan of the event on Facebook (search ‘Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic’) and by following it on Twitter (@SwingingSkirts). The mission of the Taiwan-based Swinging Skirts Golf Team is to grow women’s golf and the golf industry in Taiwan. In addition to staging the Swinging Skirts World Ladies Masters (Taiwan Ladies Professional Golf Association and the Korea Ladies Professional Golf Tour co-sanctioned event), the Swinging Skirts Golf Team has conducted the “Dream Chasing Cup” throughout northern, central and southern Taiwan to help lay the for Taiwanese junior golfers to make it to the international stage. Lake Merced Golf Club opened in 1922 and was re-designed in 1929 by Alister MacKenzie, architect of Augusta National. The foundation of the current design of Lake Merced Golf Club came in 1960, when Robert Muir Graves re-routed the course due to the expansion of Interstate 280. In 1996, the final revision of Lake Merced Golf Club was completed by Rees Jones, who improved drainage on the course. He remains the custodian to the long-term master plan for the golf course. The venue has long been a strong supporter of women’s golf, as Lake Merced was one of the first golf clubs to have no gender restriction in membership. About Lake Merced Golf Club Lake Merced Golf Club, a club steeped in the rich traditions of competition at the highest level of the sport, is proud to host the 2014 LPGA Swinging Skirts tournament, April 24 through April 27, 2014. Founded in 1922, the Club has welcomed PGA tour events (the 1940 San Francisco Match Play Championship), U.S. Open qualifying tournaments and most recently, the U.S. Girls’ Junior Championship. In 1941, Babe Zaharias brought her legendary game to Lake Merced to compete in the San Francisco Women’s Open Match Play Championship. About IMG IMG Worldwide is a global sports, fashion and media business with 3,500 employees operating in more than 30 countries around the globe. IMG’s areas of expertise are diverse and wide ranging: IMG College; IMG’s Joint Ventures in India, Brazil, China and Turkey; IMG Media; IMG Events and Federations; IMG Golf and IMG Tennis; IMG Fashion; IMG Models; IMG Art+Commerce; IMG Clients; IMG Academy; IMG Consulting and IMG Licensing. More information is available at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. About Swinging Skirts Golf Team The Swinging Skirts Golf Team is a private, Taiwanese non-profit organization made up of both men and women amateur golfers with a shared goal of growing women’s golf across the globe via sponsoring top women’s golf tournaments as well as top female golfers. The Swinging Skirts members are avid golfers who always wear colorful skirts or kilts when they play to bring a fun atmosphere to some of golf’s oldest traditions, born hundreds of years ago at St. Andrews in Scotland. The Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic will be a celebration of the international nature of the game that showcases some of the best young talent from Taiwan competing against the very best players in the world. Media Contacts: Greg Ball, Brener Zwikel & Associates, 818-462-5611, Damian Secore, Brener Zwikel & Associates, 818-462-5614, Mike Scanlan, IMG Golf, 216-436-3544,