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重要公告|Tournament Update

重要公告|Tournament Update 感謝各位球迷和贊助商過去這些年對於「台灣裙襬搖搖LPGA」的支持與努力,今年我們雖無法如常舉辦賽事,但仍期待能與所有球迷朋友相約2021年再見,一同攜手朝更高水準的世界頂尖賽事邁進。 希望疫情盡快結束,在此特別向於第一線奮戰的醫護人員與各界工作者致敬,再次感謝各界體諒與所有球迷朋友的支持。 希望所有人平安健康! Due to current health concerns and significant travel restrictions, Taiwan Swinging Skirts LPGA confirms that the 2020 tournament, which was scheduled to take place from Oct. 29 to Nov. 1, is now cancelled. We thank our fans, partners and staff for much appreciated support and please. We now look forward to the 2021 event and know that we will come back stronger. #重要公告 #希望大家平安健康 #相約明年見 #TournamentUpdate #StaySafe #SeeYouNextYear